Bemerton St John Primary

Bemerton St John Primary School is a village school, on the edge of the city of Salisbury.

We have a lovely setting around Lower Bemerton and the river Nadder. We have 212 pupils on roll, with 7 classes and our pupils achieve well.

Bemerton St John Primary is the first Primary into the MAT which is an exciting opportunity for our school to work alongside other professionals who want the very best for the children in the Salisbury area. The school is continuing its journey towards providing an outstanding education for all our pupils.

Bemerton St John achieved a Good Ofsted in March 2017 and Outstanding in all categories, in our Statutory Inspection of Church Schools, in March 2017. Pupils’ behaviour around the school is exemplary and are a real credit to our school.

Our aim is to create a positive environment, where children develop their own spirituality and self- confidence, to reach their potential and raise their aspirations. We do this through our core Christian values of: respect, thoughtfulness, thankfulness, fairness and perseverance.
Bemerton St John is lucky to have a great community feel with a very active parent association.

Please click here to visit the school website.